Daniel Habian

Hab Claude Meditation


What Is Meditation ?

Meditation Is A Playful Activity Coming From Heart, A Thanking, A Surrender (Let Going), A Prayer, An Inner Joy. We Cannot Define Meditation, It Comes And Goes on Its Own, It Is An Attitude, A “Knack”, An Art Of Living, A Transformation,  A Mutation.

By Essence Meditation Is Unreachable, Infinite, It Mixes With Our Own Nature And The Deepness Of Our Being.

In The Wild And Tormented World In Which We Live Meditation Is An Unavoidable Support To Understand The Mechanisms Of The Mind, Its Failings, Its Wrong Operating, Being Distorted By Incessant Invasion Of Thoughts, Their Grip On Spirit And Mind, Their Conditioned Appearance.

Meditation Is An Attempt Of Clarification Of Mind, Of Inner Calmness, Of Serenity, Of Fullness, Of Direct And Intuitive Understanding Of Happenings And Reactions Which Takes Place In The Conscious And Unconscious.

It Is The Opening Of The Intelligence Of Heart, Of The True Vision Of Things As They Are In The “Here And Now”, Of The Intuitive Understanding (Immediate), Quietness, Deepness, Freedom, True Love…

Our Thoughts Influence Every Aspect Of Our Lives . When Our Mind Is Restless We Are Unable To Make Right Decisions; When The Mind Calms Down Then Doors Are Open And All Is Possible .

When Our Mind Is Unsettled , We React To Situations Compulsively , Impulsively Which May Harm Ourselves And Others .

When Our Mind Is Only Performing Its Natural Tasks , Obligations , Functions , Then Nothing Can Throw Us Off Balance And Everyone Rejoices In Being Around Us . When The Mind Starts Running Your Life , It Is Very Easy To Get Lost In The Past Or Future And Lose The Joy Of Being Alive In The Present Moment . When Mind Drops As Being Your Master Life Becomes More Abundant.

The Support Is A Combination Of Taoism And Vipassana.

Let’s Deal And Dispel Stress, Anxiety, Fear Through Self-Hypnosis, Intuitive Understanding, Méditation, And Breathing Exercises And All The Tools Described Already On the Website.

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