Daniel Habian

Hab Claude Meditation

About Us

About Us –


Until Recently Daniel Was Giving Courses , Sessions, Leading Workshops With Groups In Some Countries In Europe About Méditation , Breathing Exercises, Tchi-Kong (Energy Circulation) …… Videos , Photos …….
Since Pandemic Meetings On-Line Are Also Available.

Formerly A Serendipity Favoured The Meeting With A Chinese Master In Paris Around 35 Years Ago … His Teaching Is Directly Related With The Comprehending Of Energy Flow(Tchi-Kong), Chinese Philosophy (Taoism). 

In The Same Time India Was An Adventure And Miraculous Discovery Which Permitted The Assiduity To Vipassana Training Widespread All Over India As Deep Meditation. This Happened In An Ashram Through Numerous Trips Of Many Months Each Year. 

Daniel Trusts In A Natural Approach Through Passive, Let Go Witnessing And Observing Whatever Arises In The Field Of Consciousness.

Trying Not To Interfere With Mind Like Interpretation, Judgment, Calculation…. Just Trying To Be Silent, Watching ……. With The Help Of Life Energy Which Is The Breath Movement.

Daniel Claude Habian — Founder & CEO.

Why Choose Us?

Learn How The Combination Of Energy Flow And Breathing Process Is Quite Original And Powerful To Slow Down Mind Process (Thoughts ) Which Permits Going Deeper In Our Being Through Understanding And Intuitive Vision, Going To The Source Of Our Pains And Suffer And Solve Them.
Free Energy Flow Is Indispensable For Health Balance Body And Mind

Daniel Can Also Help You Deepen Your Practice And Understand The Wisdom Behind Meditation. You Will Also Gain The Tools To Build And Sustain A Daily Practice, Catered To You And Your Needs And Goals.

You Will Get Help In:


Certificate Of Appreciation, Lithuania
Osho International Meditation Resort, India
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