Daniel Habian

Hab Claude Meditation


Our Special Techniques


Tchi-Kong Is An Ancestral Discipline And Art Of Living Which Allows To Liberate The Flux Of Energies In All Parts Of Body And Mind Through The Channels And Meridians Located All Over.

The Tchi-Kong Through Simple Exercises Accessible To Everyone And Easily Adaptable In Everyday’s Life Stimulates And Encourages The Flow Of Energy In The Body And Mind. It Permits The Relaxation And The Release Of All The Tensions, Strains, Blocks …, Physical And Mental. It Is A Natural Power And Healing Process.

Tchi-Kong Is A Regeneration And Rejuvenation Of All The Cells Of The Organism Which Leads To The Balance Of Body And Mind.

“The Path To Bliss, Love, Serenity, Wholeness...”

“The Path To Bliss, Love, Serenity, Wholeness...”

— Daniel Claude Habian



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